October 5, 2010

being wisdom love

not activity but Being! not knowledge but Wisdom! not thought but Love! these are the three Truths

three truths: being wisdom love

three modes of truth: positive negative transformative

three modes of love: love compassion forgiveness

three modes of wisdom: intelligence intuition paradox

three modes of being: being deepsleep sacrifice


thoughts try to create an alternative world, inevitably fail, and then new thoughts bemoan the failure: woe is thought

thought never sees the world as is because it's always trying to see another one, but love sees. that's its primary nature: seeing.

thoughts reject; love accepts. that is not to say thought is bad or useless...when utilized appropriately, i.e. to reject the false

there's a paradox in all of that, but what else is new

logic can only bring you so far; love will need to take you the rest of the way

logic is human-made and so it works well in this world. but love is a reflection of the absolute. it will draw you in...

not that there are two worlds of course. more paradox. thought thinks there is; love knows there isn't.

love loves paradox

paradox is innately transformative, as is forgiveness and sacrifice

these 3 modes of Wisdom, Love, and Being function in the neutral zone and are always moving back and forth between the 2 poles of duality

that's why you can't pin them down; they are illogical by nature; forgive? sacrifice? paradox? there's no sense in them.

but they are the highest energy of the absolute working in the relative, and so are highly transformative

so how did i get here from there? sacrificed my original intent. paradoxical in and of itself. but i forgive myself.

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