October 16, 2010

letting go the string

religions poorly translate words of wisdom into the language of samsara, and then forget it's a translation. thus truth becomes myth.

my deity is being; my mantra is ‘i am;” my contemplation is affectionate awareness

if you care what the world thinks, you will think like the world thinks. rather, care for the world and don't think.

most thought is like the detritus of love long gone that collects in the collective mind, slowly deteriorating and devolving into anti-love.

thought is the refuse of mind; love is the nature of mind.

don't hold on to thought; use it when necessary, and then let it go. the mind is self-cleaning.

there's nothing you can do but understand and that's not a thing you really do

to understand, one needs to see without prejudice or judgment, as crystal clear as a crystal clear day

in other words, it's not what you do that understands; it's what you don't do

and it's not you as thought that understands, but You, Reality, that always understands, that *is* Understanding

you just allow the cloud of you to fly away by letting go the string of some great dark sky-wide thought balloon and understanding shines

don't practice; don't try; don't do all the things you've been taught to do. just understand; the rest will follow naturally.

endnote: in truth, understanding is just the other side of that great coin of love; its motto is therefore also 'see, accept, transform.'

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