June 8, 2010

another story

Right here, right now, I’m conscious, I’m aware. Literally.

That’s it. Anything more is an Abbot and Costello routine. Who’s on first? I am. Who am I? And so on.

There’s many stories about this consciousness, this awareness. But no story can really encircle this consciousness. Awareness always encircles any story.

Similarly, there are many descriptions of this awareness. They usually revolve around space and light and purity and love and omnipresence and other like metaphors. Good stories, all.

Here’s another story. Son looked into the mirror one morning and suddenly realized the mirror was looking at him.

True story. But still, it’s a story. It cannot do justice to the truth of that moment, but only point to it. The truth of that moment was an intuitive apperception.

Ultimately, it’s absolutely intuitive. And it’s absolutely always there. And it's absolutely so obvious.

Who'd have thunk?

(to be continued?)

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