June 3, 2010

the double secret secret

The secret is only a secret because you think you’re you. Manifestation is actually everything; one, in reality, is a series of manifesting events within consciousness. One lived non-volitionally will be assisted by the volition of consciousness: this is the double secret secret. In other words, it’s all manifestation and it’s all You.

But, as seen from the relative perspective of one becoming sensitive to its non-volitional perspective, manifestation will at first appear to be synchronistic. Synchronicity is manifestation; everything is synchronistic. That which appears to be not synchronistic is seen that way due to ignorance. That ignorance is you thinking you’re you.


Ta Wan said...

Ah good, I'm going to enjoy this blog just like your others.

It seems you have remained consistent and broken the comment function all over again :D

son rivers said...

Good to see you here. Thanks.

But, the comment function seems to be working here from the main page. That was one thing I was pleased about, moving things here. Please check that again when you can.

Ta Wan said...

works here yes. Not sure how I missed it first time.