June 4, 2010

the sea of god

“The person is not the experiencer; the person is experienced.” ~Greg Goode

Lovely quote. Thus everything is just a ripple in consciousness. Waves come and waves go. The wave we call the personality is rising and falling constantly, never the same. Although I once believed it to be one wave. And I believed I was that wave.

But now, I ride those rising and falling waves, knowing there is no ‘I’ riding, but just a wave riding another wave. It’s like a pliable surfboard riding an oscillating wave. It’s quite free when it wants to be.

When relating with other people, the wave pretending to be a person appears. And even when the wave that believes it actually is this person makes an appearance, there comes a time when a wave that knows it’s not that person reappears. Not only free, it’s quite the fun ride.

Moreover, look at every wave around me! I’m a dream-rider surfing on the sea of God. How lovely is that?

1 comment:

Spatiality said...

Really like your dream surfer image and I think I understand the experience. After reading your site, I think you might be interested in this being whose satsang videos I found by accident but who deals it like it is: http://mooji.satsangs.net/

I would like to suggest a couple of books as well if that's okay:
No Self, No Problem by Anam Thubten, Wonderland-The Zen of Alice by Daniel Doen Silberberg and Insight Meditation-The Practice of Freedom by Joseph Goldstein.

Thank you for taking the time to start this "seekers" website.